‘Son of Hamas’ Pronounced as a Fraud by Walid Shoebat

Son of Hamas unvieled as fraudMosab Hasan Yousef, supposed ex-Hamas terrorist, was called a fraud by former Palestinian terrorist Walid Shoebat.  Shoebat rejected Islam and terrorism a number of years ago and became a Christian and has his own ministry organization – The Walid Shoebat Foundation  where he teaches Bible prophecy and keeps abreast of Islamic and Arab developments and follows the Arabic speaking media outlets to monitor what they are saying.

Yousef became a celebrity when he wrote his book, ‘SON OF HAMAS’ which detailed how he assisted Israeli agents against Hamas. As the son of a high-ranking Hamas official, he had access to real-time information that helped the Shin Bet nab numerous wanted terrorists and saved many Israeli lives. Shoebat – a noted author and commentator on the Middle East – claims in an article on hs website –  that Yousef “has since revealed himself to be more double agent than turncoat.”  “Mosab did not convert to what the West would recognize as Christianity, but to a fiery, Palestinian brand of the faith that is vehemently anti-Israel,” he writes.

Read the entire article on Arutz Sheva

~ by healthzombie on May 12, 2011.

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